Monday, June 8, 2015

The Chair - First Paragraph / First Chapter and Teaser Tuesday

     In a departure from her usual sexy murder mysteries, Kelly Marshall (with Larry Flanders) has created a love story in The Chair. The main character, Linda Bauman, has an unusual passion--highchairs! This fascination is tied to her parents' deaths when she was an infant. But now a man has surfaced who claims to be her father. Linda also must choose between the quiet relationship with widower Paul Bixby and an affair with her volatile boss.
     Kelly Marshall shows her writing versatility in this book, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

First Paragraph:
     When someone asks me how Linda and I got to know each other, I usually answer, "Highchairs." Ours was not what you would call a torrid romance. To the contrary, the relationship was almost platonic. Linda and I were comfortable together, relaxed, under no stress, neither of us inclined to go along with what everyone else might have considered a good relationship for two middle-aged people. Sexual intimacy was never a big issue, which is not to say that I didn't find Linda incredibly stunning. And, though some would have said I was past my prime, I wasn't ready to be cremated and have my ashes scattered over the Trout River. Those were the instructions I used to give my wife Gretchen.

Teaser (from 21% on my Kindle) (Linda searches through newspaper archives to find out more about her parents):
My stomach roiled as I read the account of my mother's death. The article detailed how a close friend, Sandra Hardesty, had found my mother's bludgeoned body on the bedroom floor; her head haloed in blood. The friend testified how she had been drawn inside the house by a child's unrelenting terrified screams.

Genre: Women's Fiction / Romance
Length: 133 Pages
Amazon Link: The Chair
Author Website: Kelly Marshall Books

Interview with Kelly about The Chair:

Teaser Tuesday is hosted by Miz B of A Daily Rhythm. Post two sentences from somewhere in a book you're reading. No spoilers, please!
Link at

First Chapter/First Paragraph/Tuesday Intros is hosted by Bibliophile By The Sea. To participate, share the first paragraph (or a few) from a book you're reading or thinking about reading soon.
Link at Bibliophile By The Sea

Twitter: @SandyNachlinger
Facebook: sandy.nachlinger


  1. That sounds like a great book, I like the murder from the past that runs alongside a love story. Any writer that can handle multiple styles gets my vote too. Here is my Tuesday post

  2. I do like the sound of this one. The author is unfamiliar to me, but I like what you said about her. I'll give her a try.

  3. This sounds interesting. I'd read on.

  4. Hmm, well the highchair obsession kind of weirds me out at first glance, and the first paragraph is ok, but doesn't suck me in either. So I'm on the fence on this one I'd say.

    My First Chapter post lives here if you are interested:

  5. This sounds like it has possibilities... love the cover, too!

  6. I'm not usually a romance reader, but this, as JoAnn said, has potential.

  7. I chuckled at this part ------ some would have said I was past my prime, I wasn't ready to be cremated and have my ashes scattered over the Trout River ---

    Hope you enjoy this one Sandra.

  8. I love that the premise of this is so different!

  9. Interesting plot--thanks for sharing this new-to-me title and writing team.

    My Tuesday post:

  10. I like the sound of this one, including the narrative voice. I love a good mix of mystery and murder. Thanks for sharing!

  11. I'm very intrigued by the whole highchair passion. And then, of course, there is a murder. I like it!

  12. This sounds like a terrifyingly interesting read! Highchairs are great but I don't quite see how you could become obsessed with them! I hope you enjoy this one, if that is possible if there's murder involved! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great week!
    My Tuesday post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  13. This looks like something I'd like, so I'd keep reading!

  14. Oh, I definitely want to know more! Love the cover and the excerpts....thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  15. A different type of story for sure! The highchair angle is unusual. I don't usually read romances, so I'm not sure about it for me, but hope you enjoy it!

  16. Interesting cover! I think I'd give this one a try! Enjoy.
    And thanks for stopping by!

  17. That could bring back some really bad memories.

  18. I haven't read anything by Kelly Marshall yet.

    Thanks for coming by mine for the Janet Evanovich book.

  19. Wow! What a great teaser. This book sounds so good! Thanks for visiting my blog:)

  20. Wow- what a horrific thing. Sounds interesting though- I'm curious how the highchar plays. Sounds like a lot going on.

  21. I've been missing out on this author. So glad you shared this today. That excerpt is beautifully written and the teaser is startling.
    Thanks for stopping by my teaser, Sandra:)

    1. Kelly's other books are edgy, sexy murder mysteries. This one is a romance--much gentler. I enjoy all her writing.

  22. I've never met a heroine with such unusual passion. The blurb sounds good to me. Happy reading! :)

    Rin @ Hiding Under The Sheets

  23. Great teaser. This sounds like something I'd like.

  24. This sounds interesting. A lot of plot pieces thrown in there - although that teaser is pretty intense. Thanks for sharing!

    Denise @ Life With No Plot

  25. Interesting... I'm trying to imagine a collection of chairs. The teaser makes it sound like a murder mystery though :p

  26. Well, that wasn't creepy or anything... LOL. Good teaser!

  27. That sounds like an amazing story, Sandra! Especially with the way her father re-appeared like that, and what the newspapers had to say about her mom's death...

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  28. Sounds like an interesting read.


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