I enjoyed this story a lot - maybe because I'm not the most outgoing person myself! I also like second-chance love stories. The author did a good job of showing the main character's struggles, and I came to care about her.
Book Beginning:
I didn't usually mock my life. Really - my disposition was quite agreeable most of the time. In fact, people regarded me exactly that way: Missy Fletcher, a real sweetheart. The same way people described kindergarten teachers and puppies. And usually, I really did have an "attitude of gratitude," as my father had always taught me. Count your blessings, daughter, he was fond of saying. We have it so good. But today I felt a gremlin on my shoulder, egging me on.
The Friday 56 (from Page 256 in my hardback copy):
We bumped across town in his slightly off-odored town car. Was it traces of alcohol, vomit? The driver watched me from the rearview mirror.
Genre: Literary Fiction / Women's Fiction
Book Length: 358 Pages (hardback)
Amazon Link: The Light of Hidden Flowers
Author Website: Jennifer Handford
FYI: I won this book in a giveaway!
Book-smart Melissa Fletcher lives a predictable life in her hometown, working behind the scenes for her charismatic father in a financial career that makes perfect sense. But when her dad is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, Missy is forced to step up and take over as his primary caregiver and the principal of the firm.
After her father’s death, Missy finds a letter from him in which he praises her for being a dutiful daughter but admonishes her for not taking any risks in life.
Devastated, Missy packs her suitcase and heads for Italy. There she meets a new friend who proposes a radical idea. Soon, Missy finds herself in impoverished India, signing away her inheritance and betting on a risky plan while rekindling a lost love.
The Light of Hidden Flowers is a deeply felt story of accepting who we are while pushing our boundaries to see how much more we can become. It’s a reminder that it’s never too late to pursue our dreams.