(Click on photos to enlarge.)
As the sign says, "Over 100 Years in Bloom." According to the garden's official website:
With a former limestone quarry for her backyard, Jennie Butchart envisioned landscaping a sunken garden in its place, transforming the property for her family--and visitors--for generations to come.
This is the classic view of the sunken garden. I'll wager that 99% of the garden's visitors take a photo from this overlook.
Throughout the gardens, we did not see one drooping blossom or spent flower. The grounds are meticulously maintained.
The dahlia border dazzled. The website says: More than 200 varieties in 11 different forms, in all colours of the rainbow.
Fountains, too!
And totem poles.
I can only imagine what this magnificent garden looks like in springtime when rhododendrons and azaleas are in bloom. Autumn must be lovely, too, with the trees changing color. I've heard that the Christmas decorations are a treat to see.

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