Monday, February 22, 2016

Round the Bend (Oregon Historicals Book 1) - Teaser Tuesday and First Chapter / First Paragraph

     Rain Trueax is a terrific storyteller. In Round the Bend she takes her readers on a journey from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon's Willamette Valley via the Oregon Trail. Along the way the wagon train experiences runaway horses, treacherous river crossings, and violent storms, and as well as human adversaries and conflicts. 
     The author's attention to detail adds realism and depth to the story. She vividly portrays the challenges for women in caring for their families while crossing the plains, the dangers to children, the camaraderie and conflicts among the pioneers, the wagon master's absolute authority over his charges, and so much more. We get to know the book's characters well and come to understand their motivations and fears. Rain Trueax's research must have been extensive. 
     Round the Bend is the first of four books in the Oregon Historical series, and it stands alone. I'm looking forward to reading them all.
FYI: I've featured excerpts from Rose's Gift (here), by this same author, on my blog earlier.

First Paragraph:
Independence, Missouri - Spring 1851
     "You don't seem at all excited that finally we're on our way!"
     "You think that, do you?"
     "Matt, don't you feel it? Like we're geese and heading north or the first who came to this land. Finally it's us heading for adventure and excitement." Amy tugged on the rough cotton of his rolled up sleeve, demanding his attention, which seemed to be wandering to a robin calling from a nearby oak.

Teaser (from 39% on my Kindle):
First had been the darkening sky, then lightning striking on all sides of the column, forcing women and children to ride in the wagons. Canvas covers were no protection as the bolts slashed down - multiple prongs slamming into the earth and leaving behind burnt sage or blackened earth - visible reminders of nature's arbitrary and deadly force.

Genre: Historical Romance
Book Length: 308 Pages
Amazon Link: Round the Bend
More Info: Rain Trueax's Blog

Rather than post a synopsis, here's Rain Trueax talking about Round the Bend:

    This is the first of four books, which follow the Stevens family through four romances as it tells some of the story of the founding of Oregon. Each of the romances stands alone, no cliff hangers. Heat level, with 1 least and 5 highest, is ♥♥♥♥. Some strong language and mild profanity.

Teaser Tuesday is hosted by Miz B of A Daily Rhythm. Post two sentences from somewhere in a book you're reading. No spoilers, please!

First Chapter/First Paragraph/Tuesday Intros is hosted by Bibliophile By The Sea. To participate, share the first paragraph (or a few) from a book you're reading or thinking about reading soon.
Link at BibliophileByTheSea

Twitter: @SandyNachlinger
Facebook: sandy.nachlinger


  1. I like the sound of this one. I can just fee the excitement of getting started on their journey. If only they knew how difficult it would be.

  2. "Round the Bend" sure sounds like a MUST read for me! I love historical fiction and romance set in the Wild West. This novel is sure to have a lot of adventure! Thanks for featuring it!

    Also, thanks for dropping by and commenting on my own Tuesday Intros post!! :)

  3. I can see why you admire this writer as in just a few short sentences you can really get a sense of the excitement to be setting off on the trip. Happy reading.

  4. I have to read this one, just from what you've written here. I love Oregon Trail stories. One of my all-time favorites is Big Sky by A.B. Guthrie - an Oregon Trail story. I'm off to find it. Thanks.

  5. This should be an engaging adventure has been a while since I read one, so thanks for sharing. And thanks for visiting my blog.

  6. i hope you enjoy the rest of this book!

    My Teaser this week is from The Illegal by Lawrence Hill

  7. I love a good wagon train story now and then! I hope you can stop by:


  8. We lived in Oregon for about 3 years in the 90's. It was far from home in Texas, but I spent a bunch of my reading time there learning about the Oregon Trail and those people who came to that area. I loved it and the Willamette Valley is so very beautiful.

  9. Interesting historical aspect... I always love that!

  10. Stories written with detailed research are sure to be a winner, and this one sounds like a great location to read about. Hope you enjoy it.

  11. I definitely like the premise.

    I'm playing today too at Beth Fish Reads.

  12. I like the description of the thunderstorm

  13. Enjoy your read, sounds good.

  14. This is one I would read. I love historical fiction of any kind. And the Oregon Trail is in my back yard.

  15. This sounds like an exciting historical adventure. Many thanks for taking the time to swing by my site:).

  16. I really like the description in the teaser and I always love a good historical fiction read. I hope you keep enjoying it!

  17. It sounds like one for me. I can only imagine how her thoughts go from the grand adventure to the trials of making the trip and coming out alive.

    My TT -

  18. Hi Sandra,

    Over here in the UK, unless you were a real specialist history buff, all we ever really knew about the history of such things as 'The Oregon Trail' and what we loosly termed 'The Wild West', would have come from The Western films from the period.

    As those films are now destined for the minority viewing channels and our school history lessons haven't changed that much over the intervening years, books such as this series represents, are the best way for someone like myself, to bridge that knowledge gap.

    Even better that this particular series can be read as stand alone stories :)

    Thanks for sharing, this is definitely a 'keep reading' for me.


  19. I like the setting. It took a lot of courage to set out on that journey.

  20. Historical journeys have always interested me. Especially in fiction form with romance!

    Thanks for visiting The Coffee Pot Review. :)
    Have a great reading week!

  21. Sounds really good! I especially like the teaser.

  22. I like the teaser! Great description there. :D

  23. Great teaser! Thanks for stopping by !Happy reading!


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