Friday, February 5, 2016

Road Signs - Saturday Snapshots

In an era of GPS and driverless cars, I think it's fun to think about how motorists navigated in the past. Here's a Texas roadway sign from the late 1940s or early 1950s. That's my grandmother, standing at the intersection of Highway 67 and 220. Perhaps my Papaw had a road map in the glove compartment of his car (Mamaw never learned to drive), or maybe someone told him to take the Highway 220 cutoff to get to wherever he was going. I wonder why they stopped at this particular spot.

Cool photo, isn't it?

Saturday Snapshots is hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads.
To enjoy a variety of beautiful pictures from around the world, 
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West Metro Mommy Reads
To participate in Saturday Snapshots: post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) 
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Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate 
for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. 

Please don’t post random photos that you find online.


  1. Very cool. The light is strong and the landscape looks limitless. Two qualities I always think of in connection with Texas.

  2. This is a great photo! I also wonder why they stopped.

  3. Maybe they stopped just to document the journey. My grandparents, and parents too, often stopped to take pictures of us in front of the "Welcome to " signs. I notice that some people still do that! Though more often it is a picture out the windshield taken with an iPhone.

  4. I imagine you're right, Judy. Looks like there weren't many landmarks around this area.

  5. Oh, I love the photo and remembering that kind of navigating, since I was a child during the 50s, and went on some road trips using maps and road signs. Great photo of your grandmother, who reminds me of people I knew and loved in that era.

    Thanks for sharing....and for visiting my blog.

  6. Don't you love the lace-up shoes? My grandmother was probably the same age as I am now when this photo was taken, and there's no way I'd wear shoes like that!

  7. Your photo takes me back to the photo albums kept by both my grandmother and mother. They had lots of pictures of family members standing in front of various signs. Those photos would start up long stories recounting the trips taken. As I child I loved "album time" and thought my family was a very adventurous one. Thanks for bringing back those memories.

  8. What a super photo. I have hardly any of my grandparents. Love the car in the background.

  9. That's an awesome photo! You're lucky to have it.

  10. According to one of my Facebook friends:
    "That's not a car in the picture, It's a 1941 series AK Chevrolet pickup truck that I would give anything for. A few of those spilled over into military service during WWII but, as with other American autos, production was stopped during the war (except for Willys Motors who made the Jeep)."
    I decided to post this Facebook comment on my blog so I'd have the info available if I need it in the future.

  11. Very cool old photo! I love looking at old family pics :)

    I still prefer a map to a GPS!


    Book By Book

  12. What a fun picture! I love finding pictures of my parents and grandparents from way back when!


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