Monday, March 5, 2018

Good Grief - #TeaserTuesday and First Chapter / First Paragraph / Tuesday Intros

Author Lolly Winston does a great job of taking readers through a grieving widow's mourning. I enjoyed this touching and realistic novel. The writer's style and humor appealed to me too.


How can I be a widow? Widows wear horn-rimmed glasses and cardigan sweaters that smell like mothballs and have crepe-paper skin and names like Gladys or Midge and meet with their other widow friends once a week to play pinochle. I'm only thirty-six. I just got used to the idea of being married, only test-drove the words my husband for three years: My husband and I, my husband and I... after all that time being single!


Page 118 in Trade Paperback (LOVE this description):
We creak past the living room, which is crowded with antiques that remind me of old ladies. Wingback chairs with tea party posture. Pedestal tables with demure padded feet.

Page 151:

You think, This is it: I'm at the bottom now. It's all uphill from here! Then you discover the escalator goes down one more floor to another level of bargain-basement junk.

Genre:  Women's Contemporary Fiction
Amazon Link: Good Grief
Book Length: 355 Pages (including reading group guide)
Copyright 2004

The brilliantly funny and heartwarming New York Times bestseller about a young woman who stumbles, then fights to build a new life after the death of her husband. Thirty-six-year-old Sophie Stanton loses her young husband to cancer. In an age where women are expected to be high-achievers, Sophie desperately wants to be a good widow - a graceful, composed Jackie Kennedy kind of widow. Alas, Sophie is more of a Jack Daniels kind. Downing cartons of ice-cream for breakfast, breaking down in the produce section of supermarkets, showing up to work in her bathrobe and bunny slippers--soon she's not only lost her husband, but her job and her waistline as well. In a desperate attempt to reinvent her life, Sophie moves to Ashland, Oregon. But instead of the way it's depicted in the movies, with a rugged Sam Shepherd kind of guy finding her, Sophie finds herself in the middle of Lucy-and-Ethel madcap adventures with a darkly comic edge. Still, Sophie proves that with enough humor and chutzpah, it is possible to have life after loss.

Teaser Tuesday is hosted by The PurpleBooker. Post two sentences from somewhere in a book you're reading. No spoilers, please! List the author and book title too.
Link up HERE

First Chapter/First Paragraph/Tuesday Intros is hosted by I'd Rather Be At The Beach. To participate, share the first paragraph (or a few) from a book you're reading or thinking about reading soon.

Twitter: @SandyNachlinger
Facebook: sandy.nachlinger


  1. Wow! Being a widow so early in marriage is one thing, the journey to getting over the loss and picking herself up is another. I would love to get into this one.

  2. This isn't my normal reading but the writing and synopsis is so compelling. This sounds like one of those I need to explore.

    My TT from Hurricane Season

  3. Based on the excerpt and plot summary, this book is going on my wish list. Thanks for sharing it.

  4. This sounds like a great story. It isn't one I'd usually add to my wishlist but I'm intrigued by the juxtaposition of grief and humor. This week I am featuring Lethal in Old Lace by Duffy Brown - a humorous cozy. Happy reading!

  5. I had to look this one up, since I knew I must have read it...and I found that I did read it ten years ago.

    The Ashland, Oregon setting was one that captured my interest, since I visited family there on and off for several years.

    The narrator's voice made me smile...and I could also feel empathy for her.

    Thanks for sharing...and for reminding me of this delightful book.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  6. I read this from the library several years back and immediately recognized that cute cover. I remember the plot somewhat and know that I enjoyed it back then. I'm glad it was a good one for you too!

  7. I haven’t read this one but the second teaser sounds like my life lol. Here’s mine

  8. It's not my usual type of book and yet I would read on - I want to know more.

  9. Sophie certainly seems to be feeling her age. Or maybe it's her future that has her looking at things as being old lady like.

  10. If the teasers are any example it looks like this book has wonderful descriptive passages. Thanks for stopping by Girl Who Reads

  11. Sounds interesting, Sandy, but not quite what I am reading at this time. You really do a service by reviewing these. Keep up the great work!

  12. I hadn't heard of this one. Thank you for sharing! My teaser is from Something of Substance by Tia Souders

  13. I identified with the widow right off even though I'm not a widow myself. I think i'd like to know this woman.

  14. I sounds familiar to me. I have to check and see if I've read it.

  15. Not my type of book, but the blurb and writing may have me hooked.


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