Friday, September 8, 2017

Obstacles - #Hiking and Walking in the Pacific Northwest - #SaturdaySnapshots

I've been posting photos of the beautiful surroundings I've encountered in my walks and hikes with the Auburn Senior Activity Center group. To get to the awesome views, however, we often have to overcome obstacles.  (Click on photos for a closer look.)

Balance is important.
The logjam in the stream under this bridge 

is the biggest one I've ever seen.

Stepping carefully over  rocks. No one wants to
turn an ankle out in the boonies. Trekking poles help.

It takes stamina to reach this beautiful spot.
Sometimes we share the paths with
bicycles and horses
It's not all sunshine and blue skies!
We have to watch out for wildlife too!
The results are worth the effort.

Saturday Snapshots is hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads.
To participate in Saturday Snapshots: post a photo that you 
(or a friend or family member)  have taken, then leave a
direct link to your post in the Mister Linky on the host blogsite. 
To enjoy a variety of beautiful pictures from around the world visit


  1. Wow, those are some obstacles! Great photos, too. I like that sign about Aggressive Owl Behavior. Glad you didn't have to encounter them.

    Enjoy your weekend, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Laurel-Rain. Overcoming those obstacles gives me a great feeling of accomplishment. I like to challenge myself but still stay safe. I guess we can't blame mama owls for protecting their young, can we?

  2. I love the theme for your pictures this wee. I've been thinking about how overcoming obstacles relates to happiness after seeing so many around me cope with flooding in their homes. I am thinking the formula for happiness is not simple addition.

    Aggressive owl behavior? Really? I never thought owls were that sort of creature!

    1. Thank you for your comments. I think you're right about the value of overcoming obstacles. Of course, we all hope the challenges in our paths aren't overwhelming, like the horrible flooding and wind damage from hurricanes! Every time I complete a hike that at first seemed too daunting, the feeling of accomplishment is worth the pain in my muscles.

      I hope Hurricane Irma is the last of this season's storms to impact the U.S. So far, none of my friends in Southeast Texas and in Florida have been devastated by the storms. By the way, the owls mentioned in the sign had dive-bombed some hikers or bikers to protect their babies during fledgling season. Any mom would do the same for her kids!

  3. Thanks for leaving a comment. I've visited a lot of beautiful places with the hiking group.
    The photos in today's post were taken from a bunch of different hikes over the past year. I thought it would be fun to show some of the challenges we've tackled.

  4. Our seagulls are sometimes agressive too ...

  5. Stunning photos - you live in such a beautiful area! But treacherous, for sure! ha ha - Looks like a lot of fun hiking around there. I have never heard of "aggressive owl behavior" before - that's a new one to me!


    Book By Book

    1. I'm having so much fun with this group, and our hikes aren't really very treacherous. I've never heard of aggressive owls either! Luckily, we didn't experience that first hand.

  6. These are such beautiful landscapes! What a worthwhile activity the center provides.

    1. Thanks for commenting, Charlie. I'm so lucky to live in a town with such an active program for senior citizens. The hikes and walks led by the center are very popular and there are often waiting lists of people wanting to participate. The activities are lots of fun.

  7. Wow, it's beautiful, but some oof those hikes look tough.
    We were at a zoo one time looking at the owls and one of them flew right at the glass. I swear it was trying to attack me. I'm still a little wary of owls.

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog. I've hiked through some gorgeous scenery. After the recent fires in my area, I hope there are still undamaged forests to visit.
      Luckily, I haven't encountered dive-bombing owls myself!

  8. Aggressive owls? Ha! I've been living a sheltered life!


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