Friday, August 26, 2016

#Walking on the Carbon River Trail - Saturday Snapshots

More walks with the Auburn Senior Activity Center! I hope y'all aren't tired of my hiking pictures! Here's the description from the brochure:

The Carbon River has transformed the road to Ipsut Campground into a trail only passable by foot or bicycle. Walkers will start at the Carbon River entrance to Mt. Rainier and walk through a rain forest to a turnaround spot. Although walkers can bring a lunch there is a lunch option at Wally’s in Buckley.

The day was overcast and cool - perfect for a nice walk. [Click on photos to enlarge.]

One of many giant trees along the trail.
A woodpecker buffet?
Rock hunters in our group.
There are plenty of rocks to choose from!
You're looking at the root system of a fallen
tree. As it decays it provides nourishment
for the seedling growing out of it. 

These fallen trees are called "nurse stumps." 
Yes, that's me. The day warmed up, 
so I could remove my jacket.
The Carbon River looks "milky" due to
glacial runoff from Mount Rainier.
A clear mountain stream meets the milky waters
of the Carbon River. Although this isn't a "pretty"
picture, I thought it was interesting how the

streams merged and blended.

More info HERE.

Saturday Snapshots is hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads.
To enjoy a variety of beautiful pictures from around the world, 
click HERE or on the box below.  

West Metro Mommy Reads
To participate in Saturday Snapshots: post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) 
have taken then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky on the host blogsite. 


  1. I never knew about nurse stumps. Thanks for sharing- and for the mini Environmental Science lesson!

  2. What a great hike! I've done some hiking in WA, but mostly in the Mt. St. Helens area and a few up on the Olympic Peninsula. Hopefully in the future we can explore around there some more!

  3. Thanks for sharing your walk, wowsers those trees are huge :) It's nice to have a glimpse of different walks from other parts of the world.

  4. Never get tired of these hiking photos. Loved the woodpecker buffet! laugh!

  5. Beautiful place for a hike. That tree you are standing in front of looks like a hobbit hole!

    Here's my Saturday Snapshot!

  6. I enjoy your photos. They're lovely. And I learned something new. Never heard about nurse stumps before.

  7. We found one of those "nurse stumps" in the Northern California redwoods at the beginning of the month. There is nothing quite like beautiful big trees (and the stumps) to make us see nature with awe.

    Thanks for sharing.

  8. I never get tired of your hiking photos! Since I have never been to Washington, I love seeing your pics of all the varied places :)

    This looks like another great hike!

    Have a good weekend -


    Book By Book

  9. An educational and fun post! The "woodpecker buffet" must have been an incredible sight. My husband likes to collect rocks on our hikes too. I've seen fallen trees before like the ones in your photos, and have always found them fascinating, but didn't know they were called "nurse stumps". Thanks for sharing!

  10. What a great hike! I'm glad you shared this part of the world and it looks like a wonderful place for photos. I had to giggle at the 'woodpecker buffet' tree!

  11. Not tired of your photos at all. Those woodpeckers have had a good time. The trees are really beautiful.

  12. I've never thought of putting a google map of somewhere I have traveled in a blog post. That is such an excellent idea. Great photos!


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