Monday, March 14, 2016

Griff Montgomery, Quarterback - Teaser Tuesday and First Chapter / First Paragraph

     You've gotta love a story where the hero and heroine are brought together by a lovable pug! That's what happens in Griff Montgomery, Quarterback, by Jean C. Joachim. 
     I enjoyed the way Jean includes so many details about Griff's life as a pro football player - working out with his teammates, dealing with life on the road, concern over the new guy taking his place. Jean even takes us to a couple of football games and describes some of the action. She has obviously done a lot of research. Even though Griff is a movie-star handsome football hero, he is also someone readers can relate to. Both he and Lauren seem real. 
     This is the first sports-related romance I've read and it won't be the last. I'm looking forward to getting to know all the players on Griff's team through more entertaining stories from Jean Joachim.
     FYI: Griff Montgomery, Quarterback, is Book 1 in the First & Ten Series; however, each book in this series stands alone. I listened to the book via Amazon's Audible - an enjoyable experience and my first time to try Audible.

First Paragraph(s):
     Griff picked up the last dinner plate and drew back his arm to hurl it against the wall when the doorbell interrupted him. It was the police. Two officers stood on his front step.
     "Mr. Montgomery. We had a complaint about noise coming from here. Caller said it sounded like a fight." The policeman looked apologetic. "Your family still here?"
     "They moved to California two days ago."
     "Mind telling us what's going on?" The cop shifted his weight, clearly uncomfortable.
     "I dropped a stack of dishes. Made a huge mess, too. Would you like to come in, officer?" Griff stepped away from the door.
     "No, sir. I'll take your word for it. Would you mind signing an autograph for my boy, Billy?"
    "Not at all." Griff wrote on the paper the policeman provided. Then he smiled as the two men tipped their caps and returned to the squad car.
     Pays to be a celebrity in a small town.

Teaser From 2:22 on my audio book:
(Griff is talking with his teammate):
(Griff) "She's my landlord, not my girlfriend."
(Buddy) "So that means you struck out, right?"

Genre: Sports Romance, Contemporary
Book Length: 298 Pages / 7 Hours Listening Time
Amazon Link: Griff Montgomery, Quarterback
Author Website: Jean C. Joachim

     Two people, two tragedies, two deep, devastating secrets…. Griff Montgomery is the headline-making, heart-breaking star quarterback of the Kings – a 6’4”, 33 year old womanizer. Lauren Farraday is a beautiful young interior designer, bitterly scarred by divorce, whose life is falling apart. Though they violently oppose one another in court over her beloved pug (she thinks he’s arrogant and conceited, and he thinks she’s a bitch on wheels), something happens.... 
     These are the bare bones of this sizzling romance, riddled with passion -- the first in a brand new series that’ll tantalize football fans and have readers glued to every page and on the edge of their seats! 
     Griff looks like a super hero with his tousled, mahogany hair, dazzling smile, dark, sexy eyes, and a body that does something indescribable to a tight pair of jeans. Though Lauren’s sworn off men forever, one look sends shivers down her spine, making her feel lonelier than ever before. Her lustrous, long hair, sparkling green eyes, and nonstop curves make his fingers tingle at the thought of touching her. How do they deal with their cataclysmic attraction? Will they be able to drop their protective facades – his to camouflage his grief over his sister and her family, for whom he was a surrogate father, moving 3000 miles away…. And hers to shield her from the incalculable loss of her husband and hoped for child? 
     For Griff, the thought of falling in love is as foreign as toe shoes and a tutu. For Lauren, it’s like putting on cleats and a helmet and running 50 yards…. Can they, will they, risk it? Get GRIFF – and find out! 
CAUTION: Book contains locker room language.

Teaser Tuesday is hosted by Jenn of Books and A Beat. Post two sentences from somewhere in a book you're reading. No spoilers, please!

First Chapter/First Paragraph/Tuesday Intros is hosted by Bibliophile By The Sea. To participate, share the first paragraph (or a few) from a book you're reading or thinking about reading soon.


  1. I confess just the mention of football turns me off, but the mention of a pug bringing a couple together is appealing. This does put me in the mood for romance. :-)

  2. I can't recall reading a sports romance before, but I like it. I'm glad you're enjoying Audible. I've had to rely more and more on them since my eyes can no longer see regular-sized print books.

  3. Sadly the genre isn't one for me - I can't read the word sports without conjuring up sad PE lessons at school - I do hope you enjoy it though :-)

  4. Thanks for having me on your blog today, Sandy. Ladies, this book is a love story and a look behind the scenes in football. There are one or two sports scenes, but also a few love scenes. The story is about Griff Montgomery, the man, not just the quarterback. You don't have to be an athlete or knowledgeable about the game to get into the story. And the pug --well, he's the secret star of the show!

  5. Because I love foot ball, this is appealing to me! I don't think I've read a romance where football is involved...sounds interesting.

  6. Not sure this is for me either, but I hope you enjoy it.

  7. I haven't read a sports romance yet, so I'm not sure about this one.

  8. I do love football so that's appealing. Well, being a Texas girl, how can you not love football? Plus I was the quiet, quiet girl who married the football player. LOL

  9. Perhaps you should remember this is a romance first and a football book second. One woman bought the audio book and she and her husband, who likes, football, listened to it in the car on the way to work. And they found it very sexy.

    If you go to Amazon and read the first few pages, you might feel differently.

  10. The series does have locker room language, too. So if that bothers you, then this isn't the series for you. There are 8 books in all. I'm writing the last one now.

  11. I am not a fan of has interfered with too many social occasions! LOL. But as I kept reading, I liked how the characters were so much more than their chosen professions. Thanks for sharing...and enjoy.

    Here's mine: “IF YOU LIVED HERE…”

  12. I can't recall that I've ever read a sports romance. I'm not sure that this one is for me, but I'd read a little bit more to decide for sure.

  13. Being a Brit I have NO idea of how American football works, but the romance is intriguing. My TT couldn't be more different - a sea-based, military sci fi adventure...

  14. This one might not be for me, but the characters sound intriguing. Hope you enjoy it. Here's Mine

  15. Thank you all for stopping by and leaving comments. And thanks so much, Sandy for having me as your guest.

  16. You're welcome, Jean. I enjoyed reading Griff Montgomery, Quarterback.

  17. I've read some sports romance and enjoyed it. This might be a fun one for a summer read.

    My TT - Laura @ fuonlyknew

  18. Haha, what a funny teaser! Yes, I guess it means he struck out :p

  19. I haven't read this author but enjoy contemporary romance in spurts. I really like the teaser, so I would say keep reading. :)

  20. Your teaser is certainly intruiging - and I have a lot of questions :)

  21. Great teaser and intro! It has definitely got me wanting to read more! Thanks for stopping by my teaser! I'm a new follower :)

  22. If anyone has questions or would like to see a sample chapter, you can emailm me at or PM me on Facebook, or look on my website:

    Thank you so much for your comments. I'm glad you enjoyed the book, Sandy.

  23. Here's a sexy snippet for you:

    “Even better.” Carla licked her lips. “I’ll bet she has no idea you’re having sexual fantasies about her.”
    “I’m not. It was an accident,” he hissed.
    “Sure, sure. Keep telling yourself that. Wonder what she’d think if she knew?”
    “Don’t, Carla. Please don’t. I’m begging you.” Griff reached for her arm, but she shook him off.
    Buddy faced the quarterback. “What the hell did you do?”
    “You don’t wanna know.”
    “Oh no. You didn’t?” His eyebrows rose.
    Griff nodded. “Guilty.”
    “Whoa, stand back, Tony. There’s gonna be some fireworks in a minute.” Buddy pushed Hastings to the wall.
    “You wouldn’t be lying, now, would ya?” Carla asked, directing her stare at Buddy.
    “See for yourself.” He gestured to the brunette at the corner table.
    “Lauren!” Carla cupped her hands and yelled.
    Lauren stood up, turning to face them.
    “You Lauren?”
    “Please, please, Carla. I’m sorry, so sorry,” Griff whispered. “Don’t do this.”

  24. These kind of books are not really my thing, but I'm glad to hear you are enjoying it! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

  25. Ohh great and intriguing teaser I haven't read a spot romance book either, but this one really intrigues me so too check out books with that genre. Thank you for stopping by my blog. :D

  26. I haven't read a romance where the male lead was a sports figure. I don't read much romance, but it does sound intriguing. Thanks for sharing it!

  27. This kind of book isn't my sort of thing ,but I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  28. This sounds like a cute, fun read, and it's so great that these two are brought together by a pug! Adorable!

    I enjoy reading contemporary romances from time to time, in addition to paranormals and historicals. The one thing that would hold me back from reading this one is the language. I can't stand to see profanity in novels. Not even once or twice.

    So I must regretfully pass.... Sure hope you enjoy it, though!

    Thanks for dropping by and commenting on my blog!! :)

  29. This one sounds like a fun read. I am curious to know if the relationship escalated past landlord/tenant! <3


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