Monday, August 24, 2015

Samuel & Sophia: A Tale of Two Teddies - Teaser Tuesday and First Chapter / First Paragraph

I have a four-year-old granddaughter who loves books, and one of her favorites is Samuel & Sophia - A Tale of Two Teddies by Judy Dearborn Nill. It's the story of twin teddy bears, their loyalty to each other, and their search for the perfect home.

The book is recommended for ages 4 to 8.

First Paragraph:
   A little boy with curly hair poked Samuel in the middle.
   Samuel giggled, but Sophia frowned.
   "I want these bears," the boy told his mother. "What are they called?"
   "The tags say Samuel and Sophia, dear."
   "I don't like the name Samuel," said the boy. "I don't like Sophia either...."

Teaser (from Page 4): 
"We don't need money," said the little girl. "We have credit cards!"

Genre: Children's Fiction
Length: 24 Pages
Publisher's Link: Samuel & Sophia at Guardian Angel Publishing
Amazon Link: Samuel & Sophia at Amazon
More Books by this Author: Judy's Amazon Author Page

This author has also written excellent books for young adults, early readers, and middle grade students.

Teaser Tuesday is hosted by Miz B of A Daily Rhythm. Post two sentences from somewhere in a book you're reading. No spoilers, please!

First Chapter/First Paragraph/Tuesday Intros is hosted by Bibliophile By The Sea. To participate, share the first paragraph (or a few) from a book you're reading or thinking about reading soon.


  1. I bet my daughter would love this one. It sounds adorable!

  2. Love the quote about the credit cards - ah if only life were that simple! - yes this sounds like an excellent book, I can see why your grandchild enjoys it.

  3. I am really looking forward to reading to my great grandson when he is a bit older. We do board books now, and he sits pretty still and seems to listen. He will be 2 in early September.

  4. I was given a teddybear as a baby and have been utterly in love with it since the first moment I saw it, so I'd probably love this story! The cover is really adorable as well. It's great that your granddaughter enjoys reading so because it's a great thing to share with someone! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great week!
    My Tuesday post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  5. I have a granddaughter among a few boy grandchildren. She's the only girl, the princess. Luv the names Sophia and Samuel.:)

  6. This book sounds adorable! I love teddy fact, I have a collection of them, all dressed in cute clothes...LOL.

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  7. I've read a couple of Judy Nill's YA books. She is a talented and inspired writer. Samuel & Sophia sounds like another winner!

  8. How nice of you to feature my book, Sandy! Thanks so much.

  9. I love this opener and the teaser too. I sense a lot of humor under the surface which would be fun for both child and the grandmother. I'm in.

  10. What a cute book! I like the opening, too!

  11. I love this book! Have no grandkids, but I might need to read it myself. And the quote about the credit cards - is that not true???? LOL

  12. Love your teaser and the cover.

  13. LOL about the credit card line. This sounds really cute.

  14. I find it funny that the teaser doesn't surprise me. LOL What an adorable story:)

  15. Great teaser. Here is mine

  16. It sounds cute. Glad that your granddaughter loves books!

  17. Interesting indeed. Not my genre, but will go checking it. Thanks for sharing.

  18. So adorable! I have some great nephews who would love this:)

  19. Both of those quotes are adorable! My youngest daughter (she's 10) used to tell me she looked forward to being an adult, because then she wouldn't have to work to earn money anymore, she could just have a card like me and go to the ATM to get some :D

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  20. Sounds delightful :) thanks for sharing.

  21. This is so cute, Sandra!! I do not have small children, but I know lots of folks who do; I will definitely share this recommendation.

  22. It sounds like a book I would read to my future children! :)

  23. Oh this sounds so cute!

  24. Awwww! This book sound so cute and I adore the teaser that you chose. Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

  25. Looks wonderful for the younger set and the young at heart.


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