Monday, July 13, 2020

Snack Time!

One of my favorite treats this time of year is Rainier cherries. They taste similar to the more common Bing cherries but have a lower acidic content. Rainier cherries are grown in the Pacific Northwest and readily available here from mid-June to mid-July.

According to Washington State Magazine:
"Their skin is thin and sensitive. They’re easily bruised. And their season—six to seven weeks, if we’re lucky—is more fleeting than summer itself. That short harvest time and extreme susceptibility to wind and rain and temperatures either too hot or too cold are just a couple of reasons why Rainier cherries are so special."
[Link HERE for more info.]

They taste as good as they look!

I'm linked with:
Our World Tuesday - Link HERE
Saturday Snapshot - Melinda at A Web of Stories - Link HERE 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Same Place. Different Week.

For a couple of months I've been meeting two friends every Thursday to hike on trails near our homes. And although we often cover the same territory, there's always something new to see. Here are a few photos of the sights we encountered last week.

Thimbleberries (Rubus parviflorus). Some were ripe, so we tasted a few. Pretty good!

Blackberries in bloom. The fruit won't be ready until later this summer.

The PlantSnap app on my phone identified this plant as rockspirea (Holodiscus dumosus)... probably.

It has a lovely scent.

Does this say "Wow" or "Mom?" I'm guessing Mom.

This Pacific banana slug (Ariolimax columbianus) slimed its way across my front sidewalk. We saw a big one (4+ inches long) on the trail today, too.

As summer progresses, different plants line the paths. I can't wait to see what's in bloom next week.

I'm linked with:
Jo's Monday Walk -  Johanna at Restless Jo - Link HERE
Our World Tuesday - Link HERE
Saturday Snapshot - Melinda at A Web of Stories - Link HERE