Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Melinda at A Web of Stories.
To join in or view photos from around the world:
Post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken, then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky on the website
(Link HERE)
Photos can be old or new and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. Please don't post random photos you find online.
ReplyDeleteIt is great to see children outside playing. Usually they are stick inside with their techy toys. Enjoy your day and weekend!
I feel the same way, eileeninmd. I especially love to see kids climbing on trees!
ReplyDeleteThat is so very cool. Thanks for sharing it.
ReplyDeleteThe chopped-off tree branches in the top photo make me sad. I wonder if that was done on purpose or if the park tried to make the best of things after a tree fall. The lower picture reminds me of a place in the Seattle arboretum. In any case, as someone commented above, good to see kids playing rather than with their noses in their phones. You have a good eye for interesting compositions!
ReplyDeleteWe had a multitude of climbing trees at our home in Darrington and made full use of them. One big willow had crossed branches that made a seat with the trunk for a back rest. I spent hours and hours reading there, perched like a bird in her nest.
ReplyDeleteGreat shots! I love the idea of playing around in Nature.
ReplyDeleteLoved your Rainier! Excellent as always/