Friday, October 5, 2018

Mount St. Helens - Odds & Ends - #SaturdaySnapshot

These random photos, taken during my three-day hiking adventure at Mount St. Helens, don't fit into a specific category. I've labeled them "Odds and Ends." 
(Click on photos to enlarge.)

We followed this logging truck for quite a ways. I thought the juxtaposition of the logs on the truck and the clear-cut hillside to the left of the road, along with the stand of trees up ahead, made an interesting picture.

I always wonder what caused huge rock outcroppings like the one below. It's not far from Mount St. Helens. Was it the result of the volcano's eruption?

The view of Spirit Lake (Mount St. Helens) from Windy Ridge. The white mass on the lake is made up of logs.

I decided NOT to climb to the top of the observation area at Windy Ridge.

A casualty of the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980. The car's owners perished in a nearby cabin during the eruption. More info about this story and the area HERE.

The trip to Mount St. Helens was a lot of fun, and I'm already looking forward to next summer's adventure. I wonder where the senior center will take me!

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads. 
To join in or to view photos from around the world: 
Post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky on West Metro Mommy Read's website (link: HERE) Photos can be old or new and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don't post random photos that you find online.


  1. Thanks for sharing your adventures, and the stories behind what we see. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. The "random photos" tell a story of their own, of the power of nature and human beings' persistence in trying to tame it, or at least access it. Somehow that rusted, gutted, crushed car speaks a thousand words. The sweep of the log-filled river seems so serene, but it, too, carries the marks of the eruption.

  3. Laurel-Rain: Thank you for leaving a comment on today's blog post. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    Judy: I'm glad you enjoyed the "story" on today's blog post. According to online info, scientists have studied the damage done to the car and learned more about volcanic eruptions from the effect on the car's various materials. The whole trip was full of learning, adventure, beauty, and laughter. I'm ready to go again!

  4. A reminder that we cannot control the weather. Great pictures, Sandy!

  5. So true, Colleen! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.

  6. I think it's kinda cool that the car is still there.

  7. Me, too, Jackie. Also, in addition to scientists studying the effects of the volcanic blast on the car, they're letting nature take its course in the recovery of the areas surrounding Mount St. Helens. It must be hard for them to step back and let Mother Nature do the work without their interference.
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.

  8. Where did you sleep on your three-day trip?

  9. Hi, Grace. We stayed at Cispus Learning Center, which is a camp. I blogged photos of the facilities here:
    Our lodgings were definitely not plush, but they were comfortable.

  10. I'm just catching up after being away this week.

    Wow, those are some really powerful photos - it seems like an amazing place to visit. Thanks for sharing!


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