Friday, July 31, 2015

Rufus & Jack - Saturday Snapshots

I haven't taken any pictures lately, but I figured when all else fails, show pet photos! So here are a few pictures of our dog Rufus (white), along with our grand-dog Jack (black and white). FYI: Rufus is the boss. He's a mix of Maltese and Bichon Frise; Jack is a mix of Border Collie with a little Chow thrown in (we think!)

Rufus and the rhinoceros planter, on the lookout
for unauthorized cats or squirrels in the yard.
This window overlooks the street in front of our house.
We call it Doggie TV.
Saturday Snapshots is hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads.
To enjoy a variety of beautiful pictures from around the world, 
click HERE or on the box below.  

West Metro Mommy Reads
To participate in Saturday Snapshots: post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) 
have taken then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky on the host blogsite. 
Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate 
for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. 
Please don’t post random photos that you find online.


  1. Love the photographs! Both are so beautiful...

    Here is my post

  2. Rufus makes me miss my bichon frise....

  3. You can't go wrong with photos of pets. Rufus is a cutie and Jack looks as if he keeps watch really well.

  4. Yep! You can't miss with cuties like those two! LOL

  5. Cute photos! Thanks for sharing.

  6. What cute dogs! My parents' dog came for a few visits when they were in town and, since our cat didn't kill him (trust me, it was a possibility), my kids are now trying to convince the hubs and me that we need a dog. Sigh....

  7. Doggie TV. I love it. We have blinds in our sliding glass door and we leave it up enough for our dog so he can see out and lay in the sun. They do like to see what is going on outside.

    Sean at His and Her Hobbies

  8. My last dog was probably a border collie/chow/cocker spaniel mix. She looked quite a bit like Jack, without any white. One of the best dogs ever. My family's always gotten mixes- before having rescues was "cool"- and we've always wound up with the best dogs!

  9. Blackmutts, we've always had mixed breed dogs too, and we've enjoyed them all. They've been generally healthy too, which can sometimes be a problem with dogs that have pedigrees. At least we know our dogs haven't been interbred.

  10. I love your photos! Love the title Grand dog. I have a kitty that's almost 22 but she never had babies so I guess she can't be a Grand Kitty.

  11. Great shots! I always imagine that animals looking out of windows are dreaming about future (and past) adventures. These capture that "dream state" for me.

    Thanks for sharing. I haven't participated in Saturday Snapshots for a week, I hope.

  12. Aw, they are cute! Love the looking out the window pics :)


    2015 Big Book Summer Challenge

  13. We just can't resist showing off our furbabies, can we?! LOL I think I'm going to join this meme. I usually don't post anything on Saturday's and it would be fun to visit everyones posts and see what they are showing:)

    They are so adorable:)

  14. Pet photos are always a delight! If all else fails, my other option is to take a trip down memory lane and share very old snapshots. :-)


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